Types of Cory Catfish – popular species

Types of Cory Catfish – popular species

Corydoras, commonly known as Cory Catfish, are a popular species of freshwater fish belonging to the family Callichthyidae. They are small, peaceful, bottom-dwelling fish that are widely kept in aquariums due to their easy care and friendly nature. Here are some key details about them:

Key Characteristics:

  • Size: Typically grow between 2 to 3 inches (5-7 cm), depending on the species.
  • Lifespan: Corydoras can live up to 5 years or more with proper care.
  • Temperament: Very peaceful and social, Cory Catfish thrive in schools of at least 6 individuals.
  • Diet: Omnivores, they scavenge for food and will eat a variety of foods including algae, detritus, and prepared fish food like pellets.
  • Habitat: They prefer well-planted aquariums with a soft substrate (like sand) to avoid damaging their sensitive barbels.
  • Water Conditions: They prefer water with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5, a temperature range of 72°F to 78°F (22°C - 26°C), and soft to moderate water hardness.

Caring for Corydoras:

  • Tank Size: A tank of at least 20 gallons is ideal for a small group of Corydoras.
  • Tank Mates: They are peaceful and do well with other non-aggressive species like tetras, guppies, or other small community fish.
  • Water Quality: Corydoras are sensitive to poor water quality, so regular water changes and a good filtration system are important.
  • Feeding: While they are bottom feeders, they benefit from sinking pellets or wafers, as well as occasional live or frozen foods like bloodworms.

Popular Species:

1. Corydoras aeneus (Bronze Corydoras)

  • Appearance: Typically have a golden-brown body with darker markings, though they can appear almost metallic in certain lighting.
  • Size: Usually grow to about 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Peaceful and social, great for community tanks.
  • Notable Fact: This species is one of the most common and widely available.

2. Corydoras panda (Panda Corydoras)

  • Appearance: Characterized by a white body with black markings, resembling a panda bear.
  • Size: They are a smaller species, growing to around 2 inches (5 cm).
  • Temperament: Very peaceful and friendly, ideal for smaller tanks.
  • Notable Fact: Panda Corys are one of the most popular Corydoras species due to their striking appearance.

3. Corydoras sterbai (Sterba's Corydoras)

  • Appearance: Has a pale body with dark spots scattered across the body and fins, making it stand out among other species.
  • Size: Can grow up to about 3 inches (7.5 cm).
  • Temperament: Very peaceful, and they tend to thrive in groups.
  • Notable Fact: They have a slightly higher temperature tolerance compared to other Cory species, making them suitable for warmer tanks.

4. Corydoras habrosus (Habrosus Corydoras)

  • Appearance: Small, with a silver body and distinct black markings on their sides.
  • Size: One of the smallest Corydoras species, usually only about 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) long.
  • Temperament: Active and social, great for nano aquariums.
  • Notable Fact: Known as "pygmy Cory," they are perfect for small setups or shrimp tanks.

5. Corydoras julii (Julii Corydoras)

  • Appearance: Recognized for their spotted pattern and distinctive, almost "leopard-like" markings.
  • Size: Grows to about 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Very peaceful, and they enjoy being in groups.
  • Notable Fact: Often mistaken for Corydoras trilineatus, but the latter has different markings.

6. Corydoras trilineatus (Three-lined Cory)

  • Appearance: They have a silver body with three dark lines running down their body, making them very attractive.
  • Size: Typically grows to 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Peaceful and social, making them good companions in community tanks.
  • Notable Fact: They are sometimes mistaken for Corydoras julii due to their similar patterns.

7. Corydoras schwartzi (Schwartz's Corydoras)

  • Appearance: They have a striking pattern of dark black markings on a lighter body, often with a white or pale grayish body.
  • Size: Grows up to about 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Peaceful and social, good for community tanks.
  • Notable Fact: They can tolerate a slightly wider range of water conditions compared to other Corydoras species.

8. Corydoras eques (Spotted Corydoras)

  • Appearance: They have a silver body with many small black spots all over.
  • Size: Grow to about 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Peaceful and great for community aquariums.
  • Notable Fact: Their unique pattern makes them visually distinct among Corydoras species.

9. Corydoras paleatus (Peppered Corydoras)

  • Appearance: These fish have a light gray or brownish body with darker speckling across their bodies.
  • Size: They typically grow to about 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Friendly and peaceful, doing well in schools.
  • Notable Fact: They are hardy and easy to care for, making them popular for beginners.

10. Corydoras loxozonus (Loxozonus Corydoras)

  • Appearance: They have a smooth, silver-colored body with dark markings on their fins and sides.
  • Size: Can grow up to 2.5 inches (6 cm).
  • Temperament: Peaceful and suited for community tanks.
  • Notable Fact: Not as commonly found in pet stores but prized for their beauty by Corydoras enthusiasts.


Corydoras are egg layers, and breeding them in captivity can be achieved by mimicking their natural spawning conditions—typically with a slight drop in water temperature or slightly changing the water chemistry. Once the eggs are laid, they usually hatch in 3 to 5 days, depending on water conditions.

These species offer a wide range of visual appeal and temperaments, making them great additions to various types of community tanks. When choosing a Cory species, be sure to consider your tank size, water parameters, and the temperament of other fish in the aquarium.

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