One Year Fish Breeding anniversary - JustFishyThing

One Year Fish Breeding anniversary

  • Betta

OVER 400 bettas sold (but mostly baby and juveniles)

Today mark my one year since I've started breeding, I want to write up few things and share my journey with everyone!

I started a year ago with betta, my first spawn had about 300 fries that I have successfully grow to adulthood, its was my first and now I think back I feel I was very lucky to have first spawn successful because otherwise I wouldn't doing this.

It started out as purely a hobby, I gave away most betta to friends and local hobbyist, tried to contact local fish shop but they could only take in 40 bettas. It was hard to find home for bettas and I didn't want to cull any. Then I started this website.

This website built via shopify that have a $30 monthly fee, but it does everything I need to keep my order and shipping easy. I learned how to pack fishes for shipping, buying shipping materials. It was hard to get people to come in and buy fish as I don't plan to spend any on advertising, mainly I just use social media. I probably get 1 order a week. However, along the way I made tons of friends, local and out of states, we started trading fishes, plants and supplies. My fish room grew significantly after 4 months: 3 20 gallons, 2 10 gallons, 2 6 gallons, 5 2.5 gallons, and about 15 1 gallon containers for betta grooming.

After several trades with local folks, I expanded into Guppy, Shrimp and also started selling plants that overgrown in my tanks. I had doubt but Ebay was helping a lot with traffic, I no longer need to find buyer via forum and social media. Since I started ebay, after a month I constantly have 3, 4 orders every week. Not a lot but it really help to keep moving my fishes and get some income back to get in this hobby.

I bred a lot of bettas, maybe 5 pairs, about 600 fries. I started selling baby betta at 7 weeks when they're ready for shipping and can eat small pellets. It seems impossible but in 5 months I was able to sell of of them, up to this point only about 20 left that I'm jarring. I put a bundle of 10 baby bettas for price $20-30 on ebay. I noticed that I am the only seller that sell baby bettas, probably because most seller import bettas. I get all positive feedback and it is really encouraging me to continue doing this. Betta have such a personality that raising them from young stage and watching them go through development is really amazing experience for fish keeper. By the way if you wonder here is my ebay Profile :)

Beside betta I also sell guppies, I only do a few strains that I got from my local trade. Guppy is easy to keep, breed and ship because they're ok to live together. I also have red cherry shrimps and red rili shrimps, again because so easy to keep, no effort to breed and easily put 10 shrimp in one bag for shipping.

Starting from now, I plan to upgrade my fishroom, make it more efficient with water change and feeding and buying more tool to help me doing shipping easier. Target for next year will be 10 order per week :D

Wish my luck yall!!!


#betta, #breeding, #sellingbettaonline

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