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    Dumbo Plakat Baby Betta

    $35.00 USD
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    Prioridad de USPS : los peces vivos se enviarán solo los lunes y martes.

    UPS : Los envíos al segundo día y al día siguiente se realizarán de lunes a miércoles.

    Reembolso y DOA:

    DOA (muerte al llegar) : reembolso total del costo del pez o reemplazo por otro pez. Envíe 2 fotos claras de peces o camarones DOA en la bolsa en la que llegaron los peces y una foto del pez claro al salir de la bolsa dentro de las 2 horas posteriores a la entrega.

    Envío con demora por parte del transportista: si el tiempo total de envío es superior a 3 días, la garantía de devolución del dinero se anulará. Para obtener más información, consulte


    Coincidencia de temperatura : asegúrese de que el agua en la bolsa o recipiente en el que vino su Betta esté a la misma temperatura que el agua del tanque.

    Deje flotar la bolsa : Deje flotar la bolsa sellada en el tanque durante aproximadamente 15 a 20 minutos para permitir que el agua del interior se ajuste a la temperatura del tanque.

    Mezcla de agua : agregue gradualmente pequeñas cantidades de agua del tanque a la bolsa durante los próximos 15 a 20 minutos para ayudar al Betta a adaptarse a los nuevos parámetros del agua.

    Liberación : saque con cuidado al pez Betta de la bolsa y suéltelo en el tanque. Evite agregar el agua de la bolsa al tanque para evitar la propagación de enfermedades.

    FOTOS: Intentamos tomar buenas fotografías para mostrar el mejor aspecto de los peces, pero nuestras fotografías no están editadas.

    Descripción del Producto

    See video for parents. About 6-9 weeks old.

    Breeding betta is moderately difficult for beginner and time consuming. You can save all those troubles by adopting these baby. 

    The first 5 weeks is hard to take care because they need live food like baby brine shrimps or moina daphnia. From 6 weeks they're big enough to each flakes, pellets or blackworm.

    Saving you from all trouble with getting breeding pairs, setting breeding tanks, and about a months of preparation. Every months I import about 100 pairs of bettas, I choose best pairs to breed so you would get a nice mixed of varieties.

    Follow my IG or FB at @Justfishything if you want to see breeding video , parents betta.


    Caring for a baby betta (also known as a betta fry) involves specific steps to ensure their health and proper growth. Here are detailed guidelines to help you care for baby bettas:

    1. Setting Up the Tank

    • Tank Size: A small tank or container is suitable initially, but as they grow, a 5-10 gallon tank is recommended.
    • Water Quality: Maintain clean water. Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water.
    • Filtration: Use a gentle filter to prevent the fry from being sucked in. Sponge filters are ideal as they provide biological filtration without strong currents.
    • Heating: Maintain a stable water temperature between 78-80°F (25-27°C) using an aquarium heater.
    • Lighting: Provide a consistent light cycle, around 8-12 hours of light per day. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent algae growth and temperature fluctuations.

    2. Feeding

    • First Few Days: Baby bettas are very small and need tiny food. Infusoria, a culture of tiny aquatic organisms, is perfect for the first few days.
    • After a Week: Introduce newly hatched brine shrimp (live or frozen) or microworms. These are rich in nutrients and help in growth.
    • Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts several times a day to ensure they get enough food without overfeeding. Remove any uneaten food to maintain water quality.

    3. Maintaining Water Quality

    • Frequent Water Changes: Perform daily or every other day water changes of 25-50% to keep the water clean and free of toxins.
    • Monitoring Parameters: Use test kits to monitor ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Ammonia and nitrite should be at 0 ppm, and nitrates should be below 20 ppm.

    4. Growth and Health Monitoring

    • Size and Activity: Observe the fry for growth and activity levels. Healthy fry should be active and grow steadily.
    • Coloration: As they grow, their colors will start to develop. Monitor for consistent and vibrant colors.
    • Health Issues: Look out for signs of disease such as clamped fins, lethargy, or unusual spots. Early detection is crucial for treatment.

    5. Transition to Adult Diet

    • Intermediate Foods: As the fry grow, gradually introduce larger food items such as finely crushed high-quality betta pellets or flakes.
    • Weaning Off Live Food: Slowly transition them from live food to a varied diet including frozen or freeze-dried foods.

    6. Tank Maintenance

    • Cleaning: Clean the tank and equipment regularly to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria.
    • Decorations and Plants: Include hiding spots like plants or small decorations to reduce stress and provide a natural environment.

    7. Separating by Size

    • Preventing Bullying: As the fry grow, some may grow faster than others. Separate the larger fry from the smaller ones to prevent bullying and ensure even growth.
    Ver todos los detalles

    Dumbo Plakat Baby Betta


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