Cardinal Tetra - Nano Fish
USPS Priority: Live Fishes will be shipped out only on Monday and Tuesday.
UPS: 2nd Day and Next Day shipping will be shipped outon Monday - Wednesday
Refund & DOA:
DOA (Death On Arrival): Full Refund on Fishes Cost Or Replace with another fishes. Send 2 clear photos of DOA fishes/shrimps in the bag fishes come in and photo of clear fish out of the bag within 2 hours of delivery.
Carrier Delay Shipping: If total Shipping time is more than 3 days, DOA guaranteed is voided. More Info please check
Temperature Match: Ensure the water in the bag/container your Betta came in is at the same temperature as the tank water.
Float the Bag: Float the sealed bag in the tank for about 15-20 minutes to let the water inside adjust to the tank temperature.
Water Mixing: Gradually add small amounts of tank water to the bag over the next 15-20 minutes to help the Betta adjust to the new water parameters.
Release: Gently net the Betta out of the bag and release it into the tank. Avoid adding the water from the bag into the tank to prevent any diseases from spreading.
PHOTOS: We try best to take nice photo to show best aspect of the fishes but our photo is no edit.
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is a popular freshwater fish known for its vibrant colors and peaceful nature. It is often mistaken for the Neon Tetra, but the Cardinal Tetra has a more extended red stripe that runs the full length of its body.
Key Features:
- Size: Around 2 inches (5 cm) when fully grown.
- Color: A bright blue stripe from head to tail with a deep red stripe running along the lower half of the body.
- Lifespan: Typically 4-5 years in captivity with good care.
- Temperament: Peaceful, schooling fish; best kept in groups of at least 6-8.
Tank Requirements:
- Temperature: 73-81°F (23-27°C)
- pH: 4.5-7.0 (prefers slightly acidic water)
- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons for a small school
- Substrate: Dark substrate enhances their colors.
- Filtration: Gentle flow with well-oxygenated water
- Plants & Decorations: Heavily planted tanks with driftwood and dim lighting mimic their natural Amazonian habitat.
- Omnivorous; they eat high-quality flakes, micro pellets, frozen, and live foods like daphnia and brine shrimp.
Tank Mates:
- Best suited for community tanks with other small, peaceful fish like rasboras, small tetras, corydoras catfish, and dwarf shrimp.
- Difficult in home aquariums as they require soft, acidic water and dim lighting. Eggs are light-sensitive and hatch in 24-36 hours.
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Cardinal Tetra - Nano Fish